
Benefits of Body Work/Massage:

  • Oils penetrate and nourish the skin, fascia and nerve tissue
  • Relieves stiff joints and muscle pain (more freedom of motion)
  • Promotes soft tissue flexibility, relaxation, and grounding
  • Improves blood circulation – speeding blood exchange for optimum healing
  • Promotes elimination of toxins by stimulating lymph (fluid/nodes), kidneys, and large intestine
  • Improves circulation of Cerebral Spinal Fluid providing nourishment to the spine
  • Improves digestive system specifically the small intestine (organ of assimilation)
  • Excellent for stress management (pacifies the sympathetic nervous system – the Fight or Flight reaction)
  • Promotes good immune system
  • Helps to release blocked physical, emotional and mental bodies (all layers of the body)
  • Balances the energetic body (subtle body thru Chakras and Meridians)